since 1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Foltsvagen Golf 4
- 1. Maintenance instruction
   + 1.1. Governing bodies, devices and equipment
   + 1.2. Weekly checks and service in a way
   - 1.3. Maintenance
      1.3.1. Technical characteristics
      1.3.2. Periodicity of service
      + 1.3.3. Maintenance regulations
      + 1.3.4. Engine oil
      + 1.3.5. Replacement of oil and oil filter
      1.3.6. Check of an exhaust system
      + 1.3.7. System of cooling of the engine
      1.3.8. Replacement of a filtering element of the air filter
      1.3.9. Check of a condition of a poliklinovy belt
      + 1.3.10. Spark plugs
      1.3.11. Replacement of the fuel filter (diesel engines)
      1.3.12. Check of tightness of hoses and liquid effluence
      1.3.13. Maple belts
      1.3.14. Measurement of wear of gear belts on diesel engines
      + 1.3.15. Box of transfers / main transfer
      + 1.3.16. Check of a forward suspension bracket and steering
      1.3.17. Shock-absorber check
      1.3.18. Radiator check
      1.3.19. Electroconducting check
      1.3.20. Check of level of liquid in the amplifier of a steering
      + 1.3.21. Brake liquid
      1.3.22. Check of forward brake shoes
      1.3.23. Check of back brake shoes of disk brakes
      1.3.24. Check of back brake shoes of drum-type brakes
      1.3.25. Check of brake hoses
      1.3.26. Check of cables of the hand brake
      1.3.27. Check of a condition of seat belts
      1.3.28. Safety cushions
      1.3.29. Hinges of doors
      1.3.30. Replacement of the dust filter
      - 1.3.31. Storage battery Check of level of electrolit Operation in winter conditions Charge of the storage battery A battery detachment from an onboard network Removal and installation of the storage battery Accumulator acquisition
      + 1.3.32. Stekloomyvateli
      1.3.33. Brushes of screen wipers
      1.3.34. Check of a starting position of the lever of a screen wiper
      1.3.35. Battery replacement in a key of remote control
      1.3.36. Service-indicator zeroing
+ 2. Engine
+ 3. Cooling system
+ 4. Fuel system
+ 5. Exhaust system
+ 6. Ventilation and heating system
+ 7. Coupling
+ 8. Transmission
+ 9. Suspension brackets and power shafts
+ 10. Steering
+ 11. Wheels and tires
+ 12. Brake system
+ 13. Body
+ 14. Electric equipment and electroschemes Check of level of electrolit


Arrangement of the holder of safety locks over the storage battery

1–fastening of a minus wire;

2–six-sided nut;

3–fastening of a positive wire;

4–safety locks.

The storage battery under normal conditions car operation almost does not demand service. At high temperature of air it is recommended to check from time to time electrolit level in the battery. Also it is necessary to check electrolit level at a battery charge.

The storage battery is located in a motor compartment.

1. For access to the storage battery open a cover.
2. Level of electrolit should be always between labels of MIN and a MOVE, put on the longitudinal parties of the battery.
3. At decrease in level of electrolit it is necessary to add in the relevant banks the distilled water to a mark the MOVE.
4. Average jams of the storage battery are closed by the holder of safety locks. From two parties as it is specified by shooters, compress a cover of the holder of safety locks and cast away it aside.
5. Unscrew and remove from the storage battery minus a wire (1, see fig. An arrangement of the holder of safety locks over the storage battery).
6. Weaken fastening of a positive wire.
7. Cast away at first a forward clip and then a back clip from the battery. For this purpose it is necessary to wring out some clips from the battery.
8. Remove up the holder of safety locks together with a positive wire from the storage battery.
9. Unscrew jams and add the distilled water in banks of the storage battery.
10. Do not pour electrolits above necessary level, otherwise the electrolit will follow through a ventilating opening. It can lead to damage of a paint and varnish covering and to body corrosion.
11. After a dolivka of electrolit it is necessary to close densely the relevant storage banks jams.