since 1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Foltsvagen Golf 4
- 1. Maintenance instruction
   + 1.1. Governing bodies, devices and equipment
   + 1.2. Weekly checks and service in a way
   - 1.3. Maintenance
      1.3.1. Technical characteristics
      1.3.2. Periodicity of service
      + 1.3.3. Maintenance regulations
      + 1.3.4. Engine oil
      + 1.3.5. Replacement of oil and oil filter
      1.3.6. Check of an exhaust system
      - 1.3.7. System of cooling of the engine Check of level and density of cooling liquid Loss of cooling liquid Dolivka of cooling liquid
      1.3.8. Replacement of a filtering element of the air filter
      1.3.9. Check of a condition of a poliklinovy belt
      + 1.3.10. Spark plugs
      1.3.11. Replacement of the fuel filter (diesel engines)
      1.3.12. Check of tightness of hoses and liquid effluence
      1.3.13. Maple belts
      1.3.14. Measurement of wear of gear belts on diesel engines
      + 1.3.15. Box of transfers / main transfer
      + 1.3.16. Check of a forward suspension bracket and steering
      1.3.17. Shock-absorber check
      1.3.18. Radiator check
      1.3.19. Electroconducting check
      1.3.20. Check of level of liquid in the amplifier of a steering
      + 1.3.21. Brake liquid
      1.3.22. Check of forward brake shoes
      1.3.23. Check of back brake shoes of disk brakes
      1.3.24. Check of back brake shoes of drum-type brakes
      1.3.25. Check of brake hoses
      1.3.26. Check of cables of the hand brake
      1.3.27. Check of a condition of seat belts
      1.3.28. Safety cushions
      1.3.29. Hinges of doors
      1.3.30. Replacement of the dust filter
      + 1.3.31. Storage battery
      + 1.3.32. Stekloomyvateli
      1.3.33. Brushes of screen wipers
      1.3.34. Check of a starting position of the lever of a screen wiper
      1.3.35. Battery replacement in a key of remote control
      1.3.36. Service-indicator zeroing
+ 2. Engine
+ 3. Cooling system
+ 4. Fuel system
+ 5. Exhaust system
+ 6. Ventilation and heating system
+ 7. Coupling
+ 8. Transmission
+ 9. Suspension brackets and power shafts
+ 10. Steering
+ 11. Wheels and tires
+ 12. Brake system
+ 13. Body
+ 14. Electric equipment and electroschemes Check of level and density of cooling liquid


Check of level of cooling liquid in a broad tank

Check of density of cooling liquid in a broad tank


Never open an engine cowl when you see that from a motor compartment there is a steam or cooling liquid – danger of receiving a burn follows! Wait until steam or a leak cooling liquid will cease to leave.

The broad tank of system of cooling of the engine is located in a motor compartment.

Level of cooling liquid can be correctly checked only at the switched-off engine.

Level of cooling liquid at the cold engine should be between marks of min and mах of a broad tank at the heated-up engine level there can be also slightly above mах marks (see fig. Check of level of cooling liquid in a broad tank).

For check of density it is necessary to use the areometer for cooling liquid (see fig. Check of density of cooling liquid in a broad tank).