since 1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Foltsvagen Golf 4
+ 1. Maintenance instruction
- 2. Engine
   + 2.1. Petrol engines
   - 2.2. Diesel engines
      2.2.1. Technical characteristics
      2.2.2. Bottom mudguard of a motor compartment
      2.2.3. Removal and installation of the power unit
      - 2.2.4. Gear belt Removal Installation of the piston of the first cylinder in VMT Installation Check of a tension roller of a gear belt Removal and installation of a head of the block of cylinders
      2.2.5. Removal and installation of an inlet collector of the diesel SDI engine
      2.2.6. Compression check in engine cylinders
      2.2.7. Removal and installation of a poliklinovy belt
      2.2.8. Recommendations about engine oils
      2.2.9. Circulation of engine oil
      2.2.10. Check of pressure of oil and sensor of pressure of oil
      2.2.11. Removal and installation of the oil pallet
      2.2.12. Diagnostics of malfunctions of the diesel engine
      2.2.13. Main malfunctions of system of greasing
+ 3. Cooling system
+ 4. Fuel system
+ 5. Exhaust system
+ 6. Ventilation and heating system
+ 7. Coupling
+ 8. Transmission
+ 9. Suspension brackets and power shafts
+ 10. Steering
+ 11. Wheels and tires
+ 12. Brake system
+ 13. Body
+ 14. Electric equipment and electroschemes Installation


Installation and tension of a gear belt make on the cold engine.

1. To lower the engine and to connect to a coupling case.
2. Check that the label of a flywheel corresponding to installation of the piston of the first cylinder in VMT, is combined with the index. The pulley of the fuel pump and a camshaft are blocked by adjusting tools.
3. Weaken a bolt of fastening of a pulley of a camshaft on a turn half, thus a wrench for лыски a camshaft, hold a camshaft from a provorachivaniye. Remove a pulley of a gear belt of a camshaft from an adjusting cone of a camshaft, using a drift passed through an opening in a back casing of a gear belt. Completely unscrew a bolt of fastening of a pulley and remove a pulley.
4. Establish a gear belt on the pulley of a cranked shaft directing a roller, a pulley of the water pump, a pulley of the fuel pump and a tension roller.


At repeated installation of a gear belt establish it so that the arrow on a belt, put before belt removal, coincided with the direction of rotation of pulleys of the engine. If after installation the gear belt rotates to the opposite side, emergence of cracks on a belt and engine breakage is possible.

5. Establish section of a pulley of the fuel pump in average situation in the extended opening and tighten 3 bolts of fastening of section of a pulley the moment of 20 Nanometers.
6. Establish a pulley of a gear belt of a camshaft together with a gear belt and tighten a bolt of fastening of a pulley by hand.
Diesel TDI engine
7. Using a wrench (for example HAZET 2587), turn the mechanism of a tension of a gear belt clockwise before combination of labels on a tension roller and a nave of the mechanism of a tension (shooters).
Diesel SDI engine
8. Using a natural an internal shestigrannik, turn a tension roller of a gear belt clockwise before combination of the index with the center of an adjusting uvula.
9. Tighten a tightening nut of a tension roller the moment of 25 Nanometers.
10. Check the assembly provision of a tension roller. The fixing pad should be in dredging in a head of the block of cylinders. Otherwise tighten in the relevant party the holder of a tension roller.
11. Check that the adjusting label of a flywheel is combined with the index.
12. Tighten a bolt of fastening of a pulley of a camshaft the moment of 45 Nanometers, thus a wrench for лыски a camshaft hold a camshaft from a provorachivaniye.
13. Remove a pin of blocking of the fuel pump of a high pressure.
14. Remove the instrument of blocking of a camshaft.
15. Turn a cranked shaft of the engine on two complete revolutions in the normal direction of rotation and repeatedly establish the piston of the first cylinder in VMT in a compression step. Check that the pin of blocking can be established in an adjusting opening of a pulley of the fuel pump of a high pressure. Check and, if necessary, repeatedly adjust a tension of a gear belt.
16. Check that the index of a tension roller was combined with an adjusting label. In this situation tighten a nut of fastening of a tension roller the moment of 20 Nanometers.
17. Establish on a place and fix bolts the bottom casing of a gear belt.
18. Establish a belt pulley of a cranked shaft and fix it bolts, having tightened them the moment of 25 Nanometers. Keep in mind that the pulley is established only in one situation.
19. Establish the top casing of a gear belt.
20. Establish a cover of a head of the block of cylinders.
21. Establish and fix bolts to a head of the block of cylinders the vacuum pump for the vacuum amplifier of brakes.
Diesel SDI engine
22. Establish an inlet collector.
23. Tighten bolts of fastening of the right support of the power unit to the engine the moment of 45 Nanometers.
24. Using new bolts, fix the holder to the right support and a body and tighten bolts the demanded moment:
      – a support to a body: 40 Nanometers + to tighten on a corner 90 °;
      – a support to the engine: 60 Nanometers + to tighten on a corner 90 °.
25. Remove the adaptation supporting the engine.
26. Establish an element of a tension of a maple belt and fix it a bolt, having tightened it the moment of 25 Nanometers.
27. Establish poliklinovy a belt.
28. Establish the bottom mudguard of the engine.
29. Establish into place a broad tank and a popolnitelny tank of system of the amplifier of a steering.
Diesel TDI engine
30. Establish a pipe connecting a radiator of nadduvayemy air and an inlet collector.
31. Establish the right headlight.
32. Check the moment of injection of the fuel pump of a high pressure.