since 1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Foltsvagen Golf 4
+ 1. Maintenance instruction
+ 2. Engine
+ 3. Cooling system
+ 4. Fuel system
+ 5. Exhaust system
+ 6. Ventilation and heating system
+ 7. Coupling
+ 8. Transmission
- 9. Suspension brackets and power shafts
   - 9.1. Forward suspension bracket
      + 9.1.1. Amortization rack
      + 9.1.2. Shock-absorber and spring
      9.1.3. Removal and installation of a power shaft
      9.1.4. Replacement of protective covers of a power shaft
      9.1.5. Assembly provision of tarelchaty springs
      9.1.6. CV JOINT filling with VW-G000603 greasing
      9.1.7. Filling of external hinges with VW-G000603 greasing
      9.1.8. Filling with greasing of the internal tripoidny hinge
      9.1.9. Malfunctions of power shafts
   + 9.2. Back suspension bracket
+ 10. Steering
+ 11. Wheels and tires
+ 12. Brake system
+ 13. Body
+ 14. Electric equipment and electroschemes

9.1.3. Removal and installation of a power shaft


Power shaft with the ball hinge of equal angular speeds

1–самоконтрящаяся dvenadtsatigranny
nut. At installation it is necessary
to use a new nut;
2–right power shaft;
3–a bolt with the internal shaped
deepening, 40 Nanometers;
6–protective cover. The internal cuff is executed from plastic without ventilation openings;
7–internal protective cover of the hinge. The internal cuff is executed from rubber with an opening for ventilation;
8–tarelchaty spring;
9–internal hinge of equal angular speeds. Replacement of the hinge is made only assembled;
10-consolidation. At installation it is necessary to use new consolidation. Remove from consolidation a protective film and paste
consolidation to the hinge;
11-lock ring;
12-left power shaft;
14-protective cover of the external
16-tarelchaty spring;
17-bolt, 35 Nanometers;
18-protective casing;
19-persistent ring;
20-lock ring;
21-external hinge of equal angular speeds

Power shaft with the trekhplechy hinge (Tripoid)

1–самоконтрящаяся dvenadtsatigranny nut. At installation it is necessary to use a new nut;
2–protective cover of the external hinge;
4–power shaft;
6–hinge case;
7–a bolt with internal shaped deepening, 40 Nanometers;
9–three-humeral holder of rollers.
Facet on shlitsa of the holder of rollers
it should be directed to a power shaft;
10-lock ring. ри it is necessary for installation to use the new
lock ring;
11-sealing ring of round section. In the presence of damages it is necessary to use a new sealing ring;
12-sealing ring;
14-big collar;
15-protective cover of the internal hinge;
16-small collar;
17-tarelchaty spring;
18-persistent ring;
19-lock ring;
20-internal hinge of equal angular speeds. At failure is subject to replacement. At installation on a power shaft press the CV JOINT a plastic hammer before fixing it a lock ring


After removal of a power shaft from the car it is impossible to lower the car on the earth and to move it so otherwise it is easy to damage the nave bearing.


1. Lift the car and remove a forward wheel.
2. Unscrew a dvenadtsatigranny nut of fastening of a power shaft to a nave. For nave deduction from a provorachivaniye when unscrewing nut the assistant should press a brake pedal.
3. Unscrew bolts with the internal shaped deepening, fixing a power shaft to a transmission flange. For unscrewing of bolts it is possible to use an internal mnogozuby key, for example, HZ of 990 Lg-8.
4. Using a chertilka, note the adjusting provision of the bolts (1), fixing the bottom spherical hinge of a forward suspension bracket to the cross-section lever. Unscrew bolts.
5. Reject outside from the car an amortization rack and take a power shaft from a rotary fist.
6. If the power shaft sits very densely in a nave, for its extraction use VW-3283 stripper.
Cars with an automatic transmission
7. Unscrew two bolts, fixing a pendular support of the power unit to a beam.
8. Insert mount between a beam and the block of cylinders of the engine and move the block of cylinders forward, thus take the hinge of tripoidny type.


1. Before installation of a power shaft clear shlitsa on a power shaft and in a wheel nave.
2. Combine shlitsa and insert a power shaft into a wheel nave.
3. Clear a basic surface for dvenadtsatigranny nuts and grease it with a thin butter layer.
4. Screw in new dvenadtsatigranny nuts.
5. Insert against the stop the external hinge of a power shaft into a wheel nave.
6. New bolts screw the bottom hinge of a forward suspension bracket on the cross-section lever and tighten bolts of fastening the moment of 20 Nanometers, then tighten them on 90 °.
7. Screw a power shaft on a flange of a transmission and tighten bolts of fastening the moment of 40 Nanometers.
Cars with an automatic transmission
8. Screw in and tighten bolts of fastening of a pendular support of the power unit to a beam the moment of 25 Nanometers.
9. Screw a dvenadtsatigranny nut of fastening of a power shaft and tighten it the moment of 300 Nanometers. For nave deduction from a provorachivaniye the assistant should press a brake pedal.
10. Unscrew a dvenadtsatigranny nut on one turn.
11. Tighten a dvenadtsatigranny nut the moment of 50 Nanometers, then tighten on a corner 30 °.
12. For a dovorachivaniye of a dvenadtsatigranny nut on a corner 30 ° put one label on teeth nuts (arrow A), and the second label on a nave opposite to the next tooth (arrow B) and, dovorachivy a nut, combine labels.
13. Establish forward wheels, then lower the car and tighten nuts of fastening of a wheel.
14. Establish a decorative cap of a wheel.