since 1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Foltsvagen Golf 4
- 1. Maintenance instruction
   + 1.1. Governing bodies, devices and equipment
   - 1.2. Weekly checks and service in a way
      1.2.1. Start from an external source (other car)
      1.2.2. If the engine is not started and the starter does not work
      1.2.3. If the engine is not started, even if the starter works normally
      1.2.4. Wheel replacement
      1.2.5. Towage
      1.2.6. Check of tightness of connections
      1.2.7. Places of weekly checks
      1.2.8. Check of level of engine oil
      1.2.9. Check of level of cooling liquid
      1.2.10. Check of brushes of a screen wiper
      1.2.11. Check of level of liquid of a stekloomyvatel
      1.2.12. Check of level of brake liquid
      1.2.13. Check of electric system
      1.2.14. Accumulator check
      1.2.15. Tires and pressure check in tires
      1.2.16. Identification data of the car
   + 1.3. Maintenance
+ 2. Engine
+ 3. Cooling system
+ 4. Fuel system
+ 5. Exhaust system
+ 6. Ventilation and heating system
+ 7. Coupling
+ 8. Transmission
+ 9. Suspension brackets and power shafts
+ 10. Steering
+ 11. Wheels and tires
+ 12. Brake system
+ 13. Body
+ 14. Electric equipment and electroschemes

1.2.8. Check of level of engine oil

1. Establish the car on an equal horizontal platform.
2. Level of engine oil check before engine start, but not earlier than in 5 minutes after engine switching off. Fill in in the engine only engine oil ordered by manufacturer.
3. After a stop of the engine it is necessary to wait for 5 minutes in order that oil could flow down in the case pallet.
4. The handle щупа (And) for measurement of level of oil is painted in bright color. Take щуп for measurement of level of engine oil. If oil is at level (and) – oil is necessary for adding. It is quite admissible, that oil level after a dolivka was in a zone of a mark (b) – oil can be added. Can to happen so that oil level after a dolivka will be in a mark zone (c) – oil should not be added.
5. Using pure rags, wipe щуп from the oil remains. Insert щуп into the engine and repeatedly take it.
6. Define oil level in the engine which should be between MIN and MAX labels on щупе. The amount of oil between labels of MIN and MAX makes 1 l.
7. Uncover a maslozalivny mouth and fill in demanded amount of oil in the engine.

In especially severe conditions of operation of the engine, for example, at long movement on the high-speed highway in the summer, at towage of the trailer or at slow driving in mountains, it is necessary to keep whenever possible oil level in a mark zone (c), but not above (see fig. in item 4).